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Water Birth Specialist

Nile Women's Health Care

OBGYNs & Certified Midwives located in Roswell, GA & Johns Creek, GA

If you’re looking for a delivery method that helps ease pain and shortens your labor, consider a water birth. Offered by the providers at Nile Women's Health Care in Roswell and Suwanee, Georgia, a water birth means that at least part of your labor and delivery happens while you’re in a soothing pool of warm water. Call to set up an appointment to learn more about water birth or schedule online today.

Water Birth Q & A

What is water birth?

The doctors and midwives at Nile Women’s Health Care perform water births in the hospital for a safe, soothing labor and delivery experience. This popular form of delivery means that at least part of your labor and delivery happens while you sit in a pool of warm water. 


The practice began with Russian and French midwives in the 1970s. The gentle birthing process helps ease a baby’s transition from the warm comfort of the womb to the outside world. Early observations showed that babies born with a water birth cried less and seemed calmer.


The certified midwives at Nile Women’s Health Care are proud to have facilitated thousands of hospital-based water births.

What are the benefits of a water birth?

Nile Women’s Health Care is one of the few practices in the Atlanta area with extensive experience in conducting water births.


  • A water birth offers numerous benefits, including:
  • A drug-free method to ease mom’s labor pain
  • Peaceful delivery for the baby
  • Efficient labor contractions due to the water’s buoyancy


Water birth can mean less pain, reduce your need for anesthesia, and shorten your entire labor process. Your partner may also be present and instrumental in the labor and delivery process during a water birth. 

Am I a candidate to deliver with a water birth?

If you desire a gentle, natural birthing experience without the use of medications and heavy monitoring, water birth may be right for you. You’ll still experience pain during a water birth but may find the environment more welcoming and soothing, so the entire process may feel more pleasant.


The experienced midwives and doctors at Nile Women’s Health Care carefully review your medical and pregnancy history to determine if you are a good candidate for a water birth.


If you’re considering a water birth, call Nile Women’s Health Care to learn more or schedule an appointment online today.