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Financial Agreement


Your insurance contract is an agreement between you and your insurance carrier. NILE OB/GYN participates with most major insurance carriers. As a service to you, we will file your claims with your insurance carrier.

As required by insurance carriers, you are responsible for the payment of deductibles, copayments and non-covered services at the time of your office visits. For your convenience we accept cash, check, VISA, MasterCard and AMEX for payment. You will receive separate bills from all providers of services, including laboratory, x-ray, pathology, anesthesia and the hospital.

NILE OB/GYN charges a fee for the completion of medical forms, such as medical disability, insurance underwriting applications and life insurance applications. If you have any questions or concerns regarding bills from other providers, please contact your insurance carrier.

Global fees for obstetrical care include routine prenatal care, vaginal delivery and post partum visit(s). Additional fees are charged for diagnostic services such as lab tests and ultrasound examinations, as well as newborn circumcisions.

If you are uninsured or experiencing financial difficulty, please call one of our Front Office Coordinators (770-521-2229) to discuss financial arrangements and cost estimates.

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