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This Is Your Life

This month marks the beginning of a new decade for our small health care practice. It was born 10 years ago from the genuine idea of care and respect for women. Despite the changing of our name, we will continue to live out that brand promise everyday.

In 2006, we named the vision Isis Ob/gyn after the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility. It was the perfect name for a clinic that would focus on women. By 2016 the name ISIS has been claimed by terrorists and therefore was no longer the right fit for us.

With the help of patients, friends and colleagues we were able to select another meaningful name. To stay consistent, people suggested staying with the Egyptian theme and wanted the name to carry some weight.

One woman on Facebook suggested the name ‘Nile.’

Several people chimed in, liking the idea for two reasons. 1. It’s a strong name with purpose and 2. We just so happened to name our daughter Nile when she was born two years ago.


The Nile has a long historical place. Moses was spared from death when his mother placed him in the Nile. As the water resource for 11 countries, the Nile provides the sustenance for millions of people. Two civilizations were born from the river.

The Nile river supports life.

And so to does our practice – Nile Women’s Health Care. In the past 10 years we have delivered thousands of babies and tended to the needs of thousands of women; getting to know each one and personally nurturing her. As the Nile provides for families, so do we. It’s a perfect new name.

It took some time, but we have laid down the sadness of having to part with the name Isis. Now we are ready to celebrate our place in the community and begin a new era with the idea of ‘life’ in mind.

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