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Preparing for Your Baby’s Best Birth

After calming the fears of so many soon-to-be mothers, I realized those who think through these basic points tend to be more relaxed and thus have better births. Interested?

For some, pregnancy can be one of the most exciting nine months of their lives. For others, it can be confusing and anxiety ridden as they try to work out every little detail of their baby’s future. After calming the fears of so many soon-to-be mothers, I realized those who think through these basic points tend to be more relaxed and thus have better births. Interested?

Pick the doctor that best fits your personality. Most offices offer “Meet and Greets” with the practitioners. Interview them and find out if their medical philosophy fits your ultimate goal. In the end, however, make sure you like them as a person. After all, you’re going to see their smiling face quite a bit over the next year.

Work with them to create a pre-determined birth plan. Do your research. Take the hospital tours and decide which one best suits your expectations. It is also important to discuss your child birthing options. You will deliver vaginally or via c-section but depending on your history, some doctors allow for a vaginal birth after c-section. There are also alternative ways of facilitating your vaginal delivery; water birth, hydrotherapy, Lamaze, hypnobirthing, with or without epidural, etc…

Be flexible and remain calm. Your baby will ultimately decide when/how they will enter the world. You and the medical staff are simply the baby’s guides. While the majority of deliveries go as intended, in some cases the baby may have other plans. It is up to you and the hospital staff to proceed prudently depending on the medical situation. The health of your baby depends on your remaining calm and being flexible.

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