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Fixing a Good Problem to Have

My office manager excitedly brought something to my attention a few months ago. She said my schedule was booked about a month out. That’s the goal in a medical practice, right? To be busy with a schedule full of patients each time you’re in the office.

I suppose but there is something that doesn’t feel right about that.

In other words, if a woman called today, it would be about a month before she could get assistance? In my opinion, that’s a problem. Being busy is a good problem to have, but not the best option for patients.

An obvious solution would be to add more hours to the week. Unfortunately, between delivering babies and a packed operating schedule I can’t do that and still tuck my little ones in at night. The next best option is to add another practitioner. Bingo!

We searched for months to find the type of person that would best serve NILE patients. They would need to have a track record of providing excellent care, have a great bedside manner and demonstrate strong ethical judgment.

After several interviews we found just that person. Allow me to introduce Deborah Jones. She is a seasoned nurse practitioner caring for patients over the past 14 years. When she came to the office for her final meeting, the entire staff enjoyed her demeanor from the moment she stepped into the waiting room. Done. I am proud to say that she will begin seeing patients on February 1, 2010.

Problem solved.

Now, women no longer have to wait weeks to get an appointment with an NILE practitioner. They say some problems are good to have but I am glad to get this one fixed.


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