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Changing Our Direction

If you have been in the office lately, you may already know that the website isn’t the only thing that has changed.

How do you like the new website? We had the previous site since I started seeing patients at NILE in 2007 and like any outfit, sometimes it’s just time for a change. I like the new site so far but we’ll continue to refine the information over time.

If you have been in the office lately, you may already know that the website isn’t the only thing that has changed.

As with any business, I had to do a strategic review of the practice and unfortunately it came that I had to make some changes in order to maintain the highest standard of care and customer service. One of those changes included phasing out our midwife services.

Letting the midwives go was by far, one of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make. I heard opinions and perspectives from several people and I considered each comment. There were some items that I was able to implement based on feedback but unfortunately circumstances dictated that I remain firm on no longer offering midwife services. They are now moving on to start their own practice which I am certain will yield them much success in the very near term.

But enough of that.

In the coming weeks, you will begin to notice other changes – all items that came out of the review in order to better serve you. Here are some of the highlights:

Less of a wait time – We are all busy. I don’t have time to wait, and neither do you. With fewer practitioners, you can spend more time in the exam room with your doctor and not hold others up.

Electronic medical records system – This will help us keep meticulous track of your health and accurately share your information with a hospital or other doctors overseeing your care.

Electronic check-in – Using the computer pad to check in will relieve you from filling out tedious forms.

3D/4D ultrasounds – These photo-like images allow expectant parents to catch a glimpse of what their new addition looks like well before their due date.

Johns Creek office now open – You can now see your doctor in our new location across from the Emory Johns Creek Hospital should it be more convenient for you.

On-site surgery center – We have eliminated the need to go to a hospital for certain out- patient procedures by opening a surgery center inside our Johns Creek location.

I am looking forward to the new NILE OB/GYN. If you have any questions or comments on how I can better serve you, please feel free to call me at the office. I hope to hear from you soon!

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