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Can We Choose the Sex of Our Baby?

It’s not really a secret. Dr. Frederick and I are going to try for a third baby. We have been blessed with two ridiculously active boys who are also caring, kind and a riot to be around. So the discussion came up to try and add one more to the mix – but can we have a healthy…girl?

Let the research begin!

I started by polling my friends including parents, doctors and others in women’s healthcare. I ordered the book, “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby,” which details Dr. Shettles method of gender selection. I went online and read about additional methods and how they may work together. I talked to my husband as a way to cross-check all the “facts” I found. It turns out, aside from IVF or other scientific methods, there is no 99% accuracy rate BUT there is no harm in trying these other resources.

I have friends in various cities that have asked me about what I have found, which method I will use and of course, want to know how it all turns out so they can try for themselves. Therefore, I decided to just write it down so I can keep an accurate account and share more easily.

Getting Started.

I began by tracking my cycle. I’ve been on the pill since the birth of our second child so I was concerned about the regularity of my system. And for good reason. I am in the middle of my second cycle now and I have ovulated two days earlier then I did last time.

Now we just have to wait and see the total length of the cycle then I’ll do the math (and use and ovulation calculator) to predict my next ovulation date. You know the equation: most women have their period 14 days after they ovulate thus starting a new cycle.

Luckily (and unfortunately) I experience mittelschmerz so I have an exact record of my ovulation. I am all about checking and double checking so I used an ovulation predictor kit from the drug store to track my LH surge. That lets me know that my body will drop the egg within 24-48 hours. The trick with the kits, according to Dr. Shettles, is that if you are only going to test once a day, you do the test somewhere between 11-3 pm. Not first thing in the morning as the box suggests. This way, you will be more likely to catch the surge if it happens during the day and not overnight. Last cycle I tested around 7:00 am, once each day. I missed predicting the surge. This time, I tested at 10:30 am and hit it dead on.

By the end of this month, I should have a good idea of my cycle. The harder part is deciding what to do with the information.

In the next post, I’ll go into more detail on the actual research I’ve compiled and how I’ll use it.

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