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4 Great Reasons to Consider Using a Midwife for Your Delivery

4 Great Reasons to Consider Using a Midwife for Your Delivery

The term “midwife” fittingly means “with woman,” as midwives have been supporting women through pregnancy, labor, and delivery for centuries. Their care philosophy views childbirth as a normal life event, with medical intervention reserved only for when absolutely necessary.

Midwives have been trusted caregivers worldwide, and the majority of births around the globe are attended by midwives. In fact, about four out of five women internationally rely on midwives for expert guidance and care throughout pregnancy and childbirth.

In the United States, more women are opting for midwifery care every year. Modern midwives are highly skilled professionals, trained in the latest evidence-based practices to help women have healthier pregnancies, more natural deliveries, and smoother postpartum recoveries. The midwifery team at Nile Women's Health Care has a combined 30 years of experience in helping women labor and deliver the way they want.

Here are five reasons to consider a midwife for your delivery.

1. You Want a Natural Childbirth 

The core of midwifery care is to support women in having a healthy pregnancy and a safe, natural delivery. Midwives emphasize the importance of the birth experience and work to empower women through the process, minimizing unnecessary medical interventions.

Women who choose midwifery care are often seeking a natural childbirth. Studies show that midwife-led care is linked to lower rates of induced labor, epidurals, and episiotomies, and a reduced risk of unexpected Cesarean sections, even in cases where the baby is not in the optimal position at the start of labor.

2. You Want a Collaborative Partnership

Midwives take a holistic approach, addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritual and cultural needs of each woman. Their care is individualized, ensuring you feel fully supported throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

Midwifery emphasizes building a trusting, collaborative relationship with your care provider, respecting your body and your preferences. This personalized care often leads to a birth experience that aligns with your desires and values.

3. You Want the Best Possible Birth Outcomes

With midwifery care, the chances of needing medical intervention during childbirth can possibly decrease. Midwives are also associated with better overall birth outcomes, including an increased likelihood of spontaneous vaginal births, fewer premature deliveries, and lower infant mortality rates.

Women who choose midwives often report higher satisfaction with their care and are more likely to have a positive start with breastfeeding.

4. You Want Comprehensive, Trustworthy Care

Midwives are trained experts in pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care, offering a full range of services. Choosing a midwife means receiving comprehensive prenatal care, hands-on support during labor, and thorough postpartum and newborn care.

Though midwives prioritize natural childbirth and aim to avoid unnecessary medical interventions, they are also skilled at recognizing when additional medical support or obstetric care is necessary. This balanced approach creates a safe, supportive environment that fosters confidence in your birthing experience.

To learn more about choosing a midwife at Nile Women's Health Care, call your nearest office in Roswell or Johns Creek, Georgia, or use our convenient online booking tool to schedule an appointment today.

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