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Yes, We do VBAC’s!

The new guidelines released by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have resulted in our office getting quite a few calls from women asking if we do VBAC’s. I am happy to say, “Yes, we offer VBAC’s.”

It’s been a part of my personal philosophy for many years; a woman who can avoid having a repeat c-section, should. Obviously, there are cases where it can’t be avoided. Depending on the type and circumstance of the first c-section, it may be too risky to VBAC. For most women, however, a VBAC is an option.
It is important to talk to your practitioner early to make sure you are a good candidate. Keep in mind that the overall goal is to have a healthy baby and a healthy mom.

For your convenience, I will repost the revised ACOG guidelines. Talk to you soon!

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